Hi, I’m Anna and I design stuff.

I’m also pretty good at the whole Making Order out of Chaos thing.

(Sometimes I’m the one making the chaos but that’s beside the point.)

  • I’ve spent the past 8 years working across multiple industries as a designer including tech, healthcare, and e-commerce. I know how to operate effectively in the context of an agency, in-house, and solo. My experience ranges video production, print materials, and digital marketing.

  • Call it ADHD, being a multi-passionate creative, or maybe just the results of a casual existential crisis but you can find me splitting time between teaching, freelancing, and UI/UX design for Olivus.

  • I’m attached to rollerblading like it’s the 90s

  • I'm a raging introvert who loathes small talk

    but also…

  • I'm highly curious and love genuinely connecting with others

  • I believe in the power of collaboration

    especially to create good work with good people

  • My dog is pretty cute